Posts Tagged Business
I couldn’t believe I was in a battle with the cream cheese container, just trying to get it open. How did this happen?
Last year in December, my blood tests showed that I had an elevated sugar count. Do you suppose it was from all that leftover Halloween candy I ate?
Our phone bill looked a little bigger than usual this month, so I thought I would finally take the time to try to figure it out. I lasted about 30 seconds — and went right into a coma.
Here come the holidays! For some joyful, for some stressful. But usually lots of both. And it all starts with Black Friday.
When it comes to technology, our world has been turned up-side-down. The kids are being raised with it. And for the old folks, it’s quite a struggle, even if they are interested.
OK, I’ll admit it, I check my email and texts way too often. It’s not just the kids, there are plenty of adults who are hooked as well. Could we call it an addition? … umm, maybe.
Many occupations have been home-based over the years, such as writers and authors, cartoonists and graphic designers. And today, thanks to the internet, there are an increasing number of jobs performed out of the home. For most, it can be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…