What’s happening? After reading the daily newspaper all our lives, they upped the price so much, we said “no more” and cancelled! But guess what……
Posts Tagged Senior Citizens
Hmm, I wonder why I’m getting a senior citizen theme going. Here’s an idea that came up when my wife and I were taking a long walk on the trail in the park behind our house. I was really hoping[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
As a senior citizen, I don’t think I have to tell you what inspired this cartoon while we were recently on a day long road trip.
After shoveling snow in 20 degree weather, I can now only dream of our next cruise and maybe even just staying on a Caribbean island. And wait, it gets better….
We seem to have way too many appliances with the same sounding beep. Even our new refrigerator wants us to know that it’s smarter than we are.
Yea! The elections are finally over, and we have about half the country happy about the results and about half the country not so happy. But we are all happy that we can move on. So what do we have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
When it comes to technology, our world has been turned up-side-down. The kids are being raised with it. And for the old folks, it’s quite a struggle, even if they are interested.