One of the big advantages of living in a retirement home is that you don’t have to worry about getting home from Happy Hour!
Posts Tagged Senior Citizens
We have some pretty good activities that we can attend where we live – lectures, art, singing, happy hours.
For those who didn’t know, it’s the kids (usually the daughters) who insist that their parents move to a senior living community. Not everyone is happy.
It goes without saying that many seniors struggle with today’s technology, some more than others. And you are really fortunate enough if you have your grandkids around!
Residents are known not to show up for some of the really nice events at senior living communities, and it’s not because they don’t want to .
We have great soup in our senior living community, but they oftentimes run out of soup spoons. What’s up with that?
Residents in Senior Living Communities come from different places, different backgrounds and have different opinions, but most agree on one thing.
Our senior living community does a great job providing entertainment and activities. Who would believe we are singing in the chorus and really enjoying it?
Loss of memory can be a big issue at a senior living community, for some more than others, much more! But we are all in the same boat.